Priority 1 : Watch "Sunset Blvd." at 7AM in the morning while lying in the bathtub with an electric razor to the face. Dance Disco; we love it! Friday night's, hats off and cheap clip-on ties attached to our wrinkled striped shirt.
Priority 2: Listen to 1830's by UK band Neon Plastix. "A (3PM) meeting with Hitler" are the lyrics this Franz Ferdinand meets Arctic Monkeys meets planet Jupiter speak. Unfortunately they are 5,000 + miles away.
Priority 3: Get the fuck out of town!
Priority 4: Download the best albums from each year of this decade:
This list is not based on obscurity but talent:
2000: Elliot Smith - Figure 8
2001: New Order - Get Ready
2002: Nine Inch Nails - Still
2003: Radiohead- Hail To The Thief
2004: Soulwax- Any Minute Now
2005: Mew- And The Glass Handed Kites
2006: Sound Team -Movie Monster
2007: Patrick Wolf - The Magic Position

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