You do what your told. The computer generated mind that follows orders, does not challenge the system and orderly marches the streets with no shame. While I sit in my throne (covered in leopard print), I drink Fiji water and hum...
I have just received a copy of Antenna magazine. This magazine pushes the boundaries in every way and we are so grateful to be featured. Available on newsstands next week we have shared with you our story and for the first time introduced the face of INMUSICINLOVE. Antenna Magazine focus on tomorrow and is based out of New York. It is not about the glitz and glamour of posh celebrity endorsements but minds of individuals and products that are determined to make one think outside the box.
While I inject myself with an In Vitro of caffeine, I try to wake up out of this dream. Antenna Magazine truly devoted much of their issue to Invisible DJ and we can't thank them enough.
INMUSICINLOVE sometimes has to share personal achievements we are working on and this is one! All we hear is silence today and the clicking sound from the computer keyboard.
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