It's like this sudden urge to escape. Think about the liberation of freedom. As I found out today, some are boycotting the Olympic games. I inquired and it was brought to my attention that this was due to the location. I guess instead of looking at China as an exciting country which is blossoming into the state of global domination; we should instead drown ourselves in shame. I don't know, I am just being the messenger.
Tropical paradise awaits us. Sitting in the backyard wearing extremely short shorts with designs that are reminiscent of Roy Lichtenstein; listening to Buddha Bar Volume 2 and reading a book on graduate schools. It's an interesting time in my life right now; while sipping a glass of Voss Water and distancing myself from society at large. I've come to the realization and comfort of knowing who I am and what I strive to be. Music will always be close to home but it is time to embark and experience all things considered.
Last week was so exciting. Aside from being arrested from certain "things", I was published in two papers; Wide Eyed and LA City Beat. We love press and thank you so much for the features. I can't necessarily remember what else surfaced in the past however this week is all about being a DJ. Off to Vegas this weekend to play the Mirage at The Beatles Revolution Lounge. Our first visit was months ago when one of my artists played. So hip like Jalouse or INDIE.

The music keeps getting louder and for that I will feature a playlist which will only include one song. I am aware of my switching of tenses. Listen to The Rabbit by Mike Snow. I'm not sure if you will be able to find this track anywhere... I tried looking. But if you can't then listen to this:
Festival by Siguor Ros
...and for those of you that are rolling your eyes with passé then this is for you: Unitxt by Alva Noto because sometimes it's just about being visual. Oh yeah and this is cool too - - -

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