Every year we go to Coachella and make the best of our three days in the desert. Great music, outrageous outfits and parties, parties, parties. The thing that has been on my mind is the declining lineups. Just posted is this years schedule and while WE LOVE the majority of the bands, it still just doesn't feel exciting! Perhaps these same bands over a 2 day period would make more sense. The Cure headlining again? The Killers? Egh!!!!!!!

And while I sit here in Los Angeles enjoying the 80 degree heat, I can't think of anything better to do then spring shop. For those of you headed to Indio in April what is this years look?
Last year was American Apparel galore. Or was it Maui and Sons making a comeback with their 70's inspired colors.
I say go DIOR! We love the Justice soundtrack for Spring 2009.
Check it:

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