For the longest time we were wondering who Tokio Hotel was. I think for a second, we thought it was a new hotel in Tokyo but then we found out via the MTV video music awards several months ago that they are in fact a new emerging artist from Germany on Interscope Records. Androgynous lead singer Bill Kauiltz and bass player Tom Kaulitz who has perfect dreads have produced an amazing record. We love it!
Listen to: Tokio Hotel
What is it about Paris that is so bitter sweet?
I arrived via first class Lufthansa, last Wednesday afternoon. It was 45 degrees outside and the Dunhill I was smoking went numb after 2 minutes. The faces that passed me by were beautiful and what I would do to spend more time here.
I am eating steak frite, drinking 50ML of Bordeaux and people watching. The Dior scent from Colette smells like Tripp. That does remind me to call him upon my return. I have decided to wear nothing but black from here on however, I doubt that will be executed as I own nothing black.
I observe the hundreds of faces that stand next to me on the underground between Saint-Philippe du- Roule and the Voltaire exit. I am listening to "The Logic Of Pleasure" by Blank + Jones. Every morning we endured a single shot macchiato from Startbucks and H&M does come in a size EUR 44. According to FHM Collections Magazine from Germany, the jacket I purchased is part of the latest trend.
Berlin was beautiful. Dark, minimal and to the point.
Pictures Say 1,000 words: A collection of photos I took